Join one of our Groups, Ministry Teams or Classes

"You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house."
-Paul Acts 20:20
Our 2o/2o home groups are smaller groups that meet in homes throughout the week.  We believe that as we grow as a church we must also meet together in smaller groups.  Paul said in Acts 20:20 that he met with the early church in large groups and in their homes in smaller groups.  The early church needed to live and work together in unity as we believe we must do today also..  We believe we must commit to walking with others to live out this life of discipleship as we are all a part of the body of Christ...the church and a part of God's incredible family.

There are many other ways we can live this group life out.  You can start a Life Group with other people who share life with you in the same interests.   You can meet at the ball fields during practice, meet at the grocery store and shop together, read books together or volunteer together somewhere in the community and share your journey together in your walk with God.  You can start a Running Partner Group and meet with 2 or 3 people as you walk together, workout together, have lunch together or meet at the coffee shop and challenge each other in your walk with God.  You can start a neighborhood group with the homes around you and strategically create meetings to build evangelistic relationships to lead your neighbors to christ.  These are some ideas for you to begin living as a disciple of Jesus.  

You can also join one of our many Ministry Teams and do life with others while you serve or you can plan to attend the classes that are offered throughout the year to connect with other believers striving to grow as you are pursuing to deepen your relationship with God.  We believe that when Jesus prayed for unity in the garden, that it was meant for us to work together as we do life together.  You and I are not alone and it's not good to be alone.   We are better together.  Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Sign up below to start connecting with someone to help you to discover what small groups may work for you.  If you are too busy for a Home Group, maybe there is another type of group that fits you.  Sign up and start discovering your GroupLife!

Let's start discovering what groups are for you...

We are looking forward to hearing from you.  Type GroupLife in the message block below or click box to the right do discover more group opportunities.